Thames Skatepark

Porritt Park, Queen Street, Thames
6 May

Project Details

This design was developed from a community consultation process involving local users in the area. The design looks to provide a variety of elements for all users, connecting with its locality while fitting within a dedicated budget.   Features include a 1.5m High Miniramp that steps down to a 1.2m High Miniramp with flyout and rising quarter section. A low pyramid with ledge,  kinked flat round rail and sculptural 'Nugget' Manual Box are strategically located through the street section area with a wide turnaround 0.95m High Quarterpipe at the far end.  Provision has also been made for a pump track styled path to the side that connects with the facility.

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"The facility was elongated due to the characteristics of the site. The Skate Path was a great idea that allows for a 120m long flow line with a diverse range of obstacles."

Omokoroa Skatepath
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